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Embassy news

Ambassador's message
13 May 2023

Ambassador's message

A word of welcome by H.E. Mr Didier GAMERDINGER, Ambassador of Monaco to India 
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30 January 2025

The festivities of Saint Devote

Patron saint of the Principality of Monaco
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28 January 2025

93th Monte-Carlo Car Rally

First event of the WRC world championship season
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25 January 2025

47th Monte-Carlo International Circus

An exceptional event chaired by S.A.S. Princess Stéphanie

International News

Monaco adhère à l’Observatoire spatial pour le climat (SCO)
26 March 2025

Monaco adhère à l’Observatoire spatial pour le climat (SCO)

Adhésion SCO 1 © CNES Hervé Piraud 2025 Le jeudi 20 mars 2025, le Gouvernement Princier a officialisé son adhésion à l’Observatoire spatial pour le climat (SCO). La Charte a été signée, lors du 3ème congrès de l’Observatoire au Centre de conférences ministériel à Paris, par S.E. Mme Valérie BRUELL-MELCHIOR, Ambassadeur de Monaco en France, en présence de membres du Département des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération et du Bureau des Affaires Spatiales de Monaco.Le SCO est une initiative internationale qui vise à faciliter l’utilisation des technologies spatiales pour surveiller, atténuer et s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique. Fédérant plus de 50 organismes publics et privés compétents en matière spatiale, il repose sur l’exploitation des données satellitaires combinées à des observations in situ et des modèles numériques, afin de fournir des outils et des informations aux décideurs. Le SCO encourage la collaboration entre agences spatiales, institutions de recherche et acteurs publics et privés, en favorisant le partage des connaissances et en valorisant la science ouverte. Son objectif principal est d’améliorer la compréhension du climat et de soutenir les actions pour promouvoir la résilience face aux changements climatiques.L’adhésion de Monaco au SCO marque une étape significative dans son engagement en faveur du climat. En rejoignant cette initiative, la Principauté pourra s’appuyer sur un réseau international de partenaires et sur l’expertise des technologies spatiales afin de mieux comprendre et anticiper les évolutions du climat. Cette collaboration sera précieuse notamment au regard de l’action menée par Monaco pour soutenir les pays en développement dans leur lutte contre les changements climatiques, conformément à ses engagements internationaux. Le SCO sert, en effet, également de plateforme de mise en relation entre porteurs de solutions spatiales au service de l’action climatique et potentiels bailleurs.Cette signature témoigne par ailleurs des liens étroits entre le Gouvernement Princier et le Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), fondateur du SCO, renforçant ainsi une coopération scientifique et institutionnelle essentielle face au défi climatique.  Adhésion SCO 2 © CNES Hervé Piraud 2025
Historical visit from the Head of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s European-North Atlantic Office
25 March 2025

Historical visit from the Head of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s European-North Atlantic Office

Visite historique du Directeur de l’Organisation de l’Aviation Civile Internationale pour la Région Europe-Nord Atlantique 1 ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali On 20-21 March, Monaco hosted an official visit from Nicolas Rallo, Head of the European-Atlantic Office of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It was the first time since Monaco joined the IACO in 1980 that it had hosted a regional director of this United Nations agency tasked with provided technical and diplomatic guidance to 193 countries for the purpose of coordinating flight activity and ensuring reliable connections for all.Hosted by Céline Caron-Dagioni, Minister of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development, for an inter-ministerial meeting of representatives of her ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Department, Mr Rallo was able to appreciate the joint efforts of the Prince’s Government’s teams and learn more about the specific factors that apply to Monaco. Subjects at the heart of discussions included the sustainable transition of aviation, drone regulation, the development of synergies between various stakeholders in the sector to make Monaco a pioneer in decarbonised aviation, and the consolidation of a legal framework that guarantees ever safer airspace. The official visit continued at Monaco Heliport to present Monegasque infrastructure as well as Civil Aviation Authority teams and other professionals in the sector. Visite historique du Directeur de l’Organisation de l’Aviation Civile Internationale pour la Région Europe-Nord Atlantique 2 ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali
Monaco reaffirms its commitment to gender equality at the Commission on the Status of Women in New York
19 March 2025

Monaco reaffirms its commitment to gender equality at the Commission on the Status of Women in New York

ONU - Commission sur la condition de la femme ©DR The Principality participated in the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, held in New York from 10 to 21 March 2025.During the general discussion of this session, which marked the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Ms Alyson Calem-Sangiorgio, Second Secretary for the Permanent Mission of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations, spoke of the Principality's response measures towards fulfilling the priorities of this fundamental instrument for the promotion of gender equality. Ms Calem-Sangiorgio highlighted the revision of outdated legislation, the establishment of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women's Rights, Monegasque initiatives to improve women's access to education and healthcare, and the implementation of training to provide support for women who are victims of violence.The Political Declaration, which was adopted by consensus, reaffirms the importance of implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, given that significant hurdles remain in place even 30 years after the Fourth World Conference on Women.As suggested by the Monegasque delegation, sport, which is recognised in the Beijing Declaration as a tool for empowering women and girls, has been incorporated in this year's political declaration*. * Paragraph 11: Recognize the contributions of all women and girls, including adolescent girls, to their societies, and the opportunities to strengthen these contributions in decision-making processes and as agents of change, as well as ensure their equal access to safe, accessible and affordable digital technology and to inclusive and equitable quality education, including physical education and sports, and promote lifelong learning as well as access to healthcare services and to empower them and fulfil all their human rights and fundamental freedoms, and end all forms of violence and discrimination against them. 
Monaco celebrates H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s commitment to the values of sport at the United Nations
19 March 2025

Monaco celebrates H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s commitment to the values of sport at the United Nations

Valeurs du sport ONU © DR On Friday 14 March, the Permanent Representation of Monaco to the United Nations held its annual reception in honour of H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s birthday.Focused on sport as a vector for sustainable development, the event was hosted at the United Nations’ headquarters in New York and attended by ambassadors and senior UN representatives. Monaco has been named the World Sports Capital for 2025.The Permanent Delegation paid tribute to H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s personal commitment to sports by exhibiting a series of 12 photos that reflect his commitment to sporting values.Ms Isabelle Picco, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations, delivered a speech in which she underscored the importance of the values promoted in sports. Now more than ever, solidarity, perseverance, inclusion and respect are essential in the conduct of international relations. 

Destination Monaco


Embassy of Monaco

Monaco Embassy to India

Ministère d’État
Place de la Visitation
MC 98000 Monaco